Our School
Courtland School is situated in the north west of the Borough of Barnet. Although only 100 metres from the A1, it is approached via Marsh Lane and Hankins Lane and is adjacent to Mill Hill Golf Club. Set within a quiet residential area it is well served by local buses to Marsh Lane and the A41/A1 junction at Apex Corner.
Courtland is a one-form entry primary school in the London Borough of Barnet and is a non-denominational community school where boys and girls of many different faiths and cultures learn happily together.
Our School opened in 1954 and has classrooms on the ground and first floors. The playground is to the rear of the school and has a separate area for the reception children to play. There are lovely, well maintained gardens and play area to the front. The sports field faces the school immediately across Courtland Avenue.
Our Field
The Front Garden
Celebrating 60 years in 2014
Everybody Can be Somebody
Our last Ofsted was in February 2023. The school was rated as outstanding.