The School Day
8.40 am –
We have a 'soft start' to the school day so when children arrive at school, they go straight to their classrooms.
8:55 am –
The Register is taken.
Latecomers MUST report to the School Secretary to be registered for the day and marked in for lunch.
10.20 am -10.40 am – Y1 Y2 Y3 Playtime
11.00 am -11.15 am – Y4 Y5 Y6 Playtime
12.00 pm -1.00 pm – KS1 & EYFS Lunchtime
12.15 pm -1.15 pm – KS2 Lunchtime
2.10 pm -2.30pm – Y1 Y2 Y3 Playtime
3.15pm KS1 & EYFS Home time
The Children are dismissed into the playground or from their classrooms.
Parents are asked to wait at the top of the steps for their children.
3.25 pm – KS2 Home time.
Parents are asked to wait at the top of the steps for their children.
Please note that on the last day of every term school finishes at 2.00pm for all Key Stages.
Arrival at School
Please bring your child to school between 8:40am and 8:55am. Children will go straight to their classrooms.
Absence and Lateness
Lateness and absence is monitored by the school Welfare Officer who reports to the Educational Welfare Officer from the London Borough of Barnet. Figures are published in the Annual Report to Parents.
If your child is absent for any reason you must telephone school before 9.00am on the first day of absence. If we don’t hear from you it will initially be recorded as an “Unauthorised Absence”. As part of our first day response procedure you will be telephoned by the admin team if we have no record of your child’s absence. Please ensure we have an up to date contact number. This is particularly important for tracking children who travel independently.
It is very important that your child comes to school on time. The playground gates are locked at 9.00am. If any child arrives after 9.00am for any reason parents/carers must come to the office via the front door to sign the late arrival book.
You must notify the school in advance of any appointments. Whenever possible please try to arrange these appointments outside school hours. Your child will not be allowed out of school during school hours unless you collect them and have permission to do so. You should go to the office to ‘sign out’ before leaving the school with your child.
Requests for leave of absence for special circumstances must be made to the head teacher before making any arrangements. There is NO parental right to remove a child from school for the purpose of a holiday. If you take your children out of school for holidays without seeking permission, or knowing that permission has been refused, each parent can be issued with a fixed penalty notice for each child.
Parents must also obtain the head teachers permission for any school absence to take part in film, TV or stage performances, modelling etc.
The Infant day ends at 3.15 p.m. when the children are brought into the playground where they wait until their teacher sees the adult collecting them. Please wait at the top of the steps by the railings where you can be easily seen.
When your child is released to your care, for safety reasons, please do not allow them to come back down to the playground either to play or to wait for older siblings. Please ensure your child does not climb on walls, gates or railings.
The Junior children are dismissed from their classrooms between 3:20-3.25 p.m. and make their way to the playground with the class teacher.
For safety reasons if you or your child needs to leave or enter school by the main door at the front of the building please use the pedestrian path at the side of the car park.
Infant and Junior children generally have separate playtimes in the morning and in the afternoon.
Reception children are provided with a carton of milk each day. All infant children are provided with a piece of fruit each day as part of the National Fruit Scheme, but you may prefer to send your own. Older children are allowed to bring a piece of fruit (no sweets or nuts), which they may eat in the classroom.
Hot Lunches
We can provide a healthy, hot lunch for your child. Payment is required for children in Y3-Y6, unless they are entitled to free school meals. Please ask in the school office for the cost of a school dinner.
This is payable in advance, weekly, half-termly or termly. Payment must be paid on line on School Money.
Packed Lunches
Packed lunches are eaten in the hall where the children are looked after by the Meal Time Supervisors.
If your child opts for a packed lunch, it must be provided in a clearly labelled box and contain NO NUTS OR NUT PRODUCTS. This is VITAL as we have children in the School who could have life-threatening allergic reactions to nuts or nut products e.g. peanut butter, cereal bars.
Please give your child a drink in a sealable plastic container or carton. Fizzy drinks are not permitted in school. Sweets/ chocolate are not allowed as we encourage healthy eating. We do not allow children to throw remaining food away (except yoghurt and drink cartons) so that you may monitor what is eaten.